In the RPG there will be certain items that a player can aquire to help him on his/her journey's here is a list of them. If you wish to make an item than it takes 1 day for every 2,000 dollars (items with a * you can't build. Items with a ^ by it you can't wish for.)
Starting Items (these also have a price so you can purcahse them later in the game.)
*Sensu Bean
Intellect: 50
Cost: 500
Restores hp to full.
*Ki Jalopeno
Intellect: 50
Cost: 500
Restores Ki to full.
*Saibemen Seed
Intellect: 50
Cost: 600
Grows on Saibemen at 1/4 your powerlevel, hp, and ki. The come with the move super suicide attack, and eyebeam, as well as every move that your charcter has. Saibemen are just like a normal character, except when they die than they can't be brought back.
Dragon Radar
Intellect: 100
Cost: 800
You need this to locate dragonballs.
Intellect: 200
Cost: 800
This alows you to detect powelevels that are not hidden.
Intellect: 2000
Cost: 5,000
Swords are a weapon that can only be used by people have a high intelect. The way a sword works is that you would e-mail how many slashes you would like to take (You get 2 for every move). A sword takes your speed and strenghth and adds them together as well as adding 3% of your powerlevel
Intellect: 500
Cost: 2,000
A pole is much like a sword, the only difference is that you only get 1 attack, and you get your speed and strenghth with 2% of you Powerelevel.
Intellect: 300
Cost: 1,000 (Level 1) 2,000 (Level 2) 3,000 (Level 3)
There are three kinds of blasters the advantage is that it takes no ki to use one of these.
Level 1. This is the most basic it hits for 5% of your powerlevel.
Level 2. This is slightly bette hitting for 10%.
Level 3. This is the most advanced shooting a blast that hits for 15% of your powerlevel.
*Portapura Earrings
Intellect: 10
Cost: 7,000
If you know the move fusion dance than these will come in handy. You can attempt to fuse outside a battle with these to stayed fused for as long as you want. It works the same way as fusion dance, it just let's you stay in that form for as long ad you wish.
Time Machine
Intellect: 2000
Passangers: 1
Cost: 10,000
You need a time machine if you want to perform any of the special quests. Other than that it has no use.
Hover Bike
Intellect: 100
Passangers: 1-2
Cost: 10,000
This can be used to help cutthe time on your dragonball hunt. When you have a hover bike it takes 2 days less travel.
Intellect: 200
Passangers: 1
Cost: 15,000
A sub can be used to take 2 days off of finding a dragonball in the water.
Capsule Shuttle
Intellect: 300
Passangers: 1-2
Cost: 20,000
This is the ship that Goku went on to namik. Also they can be used to take 2 days off of space travel. You can do any kind of training while traveling in one of these. Also they can be outfitted with a gravitron.
Intellect: 100
Passangers: 0
Cost: 1,000
This is just a regular fridge that is stored in a capsule. The advantage to having ont of these is that it let's you have five extra power-up items in your inventory.
Capsule House
Intellect: 100
Passangers: 1-5
Cost: 20,000
This is an area that allows your character(s) to rest and train without being attakcked. They can also be equiped with a gravitron.
^*Capsule Case
Intellect: 100
Passangers: 0
Cost: 50,000
This is a carrying case for all of the capsule items. When you but one of these than you recieve all the capsule items. It is portable and you can just carry it in your pocket.
Space Ships
Freiza Ship
Intellect: 300
Passangers: 1-15
Cost: 30,000
This is a very fast shuttle that takes off half of the travel time. It can be used like a house, and can be equiped with a gravitron.
Intellect: 200
Cost: 15,000(7,000 per upgrade)
This can be used to enhance your training taking it to the next level. When Training in the gravitron you add 1% to your whatever you are doing.
Namikian Space Ship
Intellect: 400
Passangers: 1-3
Cost: 5,000
These are fast ships taking 2 days off of space travel time. The only kind of training that can be done in one of these is meditaion training.
Ginyu Pod
Intellect: 200
Passangers: 1
Cost: 2,000
These are cheap pod that takes 3 days off of travel. You can't do any kind of training in these.
Other Items
Sayain Armor
Intellect: 50
Cost: 2,000
Cheap armor worn by the sayains. It takes 1/10 of the damage recieved.
Ginyu Armor
Intellect: 50
Cost: 4,000
Fairly nice armor worn by the Ginyu Force. It takes 1/8 of the damage recieved.
Freiza Armor
Intellect: 50
Cost: 6,000
Good armor, al most top of the line. It takes 1/5 of the damage recieved.
Super Sayain Armor
Intellect: 50
Cost: 10,000
Best armor that you can buy. You need this armor if you want to do spirit and time training. It takes 1/4 of the damage recieved.
Weighted Clothing
Intellect: 50
Cost: 3,000
Adds 1% to your training.
*King Yemma Fruit
Intellect: 50
Cost: 2,000
Restores all of your hit points and KI.
*Sensu Bean Plant
Intellect: 100
Cost: 6,000
Yeild 3 Sensu beans a week. Needs a capsule house or a cottage
*Ki Jalopeno Plant
Intellect: 100
Cost: 6,000
Yeilds 3 Jalopenos a week. Needs a capsule houseor cottage
*Saibemen Seed Plant
Intellect: 100
Cost: 8,000
Yeilds 3 saibemen seeds a week. Needs a capsule house, or cottage
*King Yemma Fruit Tree
Intellect: 100
Cost: 12,000
Yeilds three fruit a week. Needs a capsule house, or cottage
^*Move Learning Book
Intellect: 10,000
Cost: 500,000
Teaches you any move you want.
Intellect: 100
Cost: 20,000
A stationary dwelling where you can train and recuperate from fight. You can't be attacked, while in the house. Good for supplying gardens, and holding gravitrons.